【問題】如何設計好網站 Dont make me think 二手?推薦回答

作者:Parker, Michael

These eleven arresting, comic, and moving stories by acclaimed writer Michael Parker testify to the driving force of love, the lengths to which we'll go to claim it and pursue it, the delusions we'...


最豐富的資訊+最詳盡的剖析+最易懂的圖例=史上最完整的圖解設計寶典!廣含東西方設計概念與技巧,104個超強觀念讓你輕鬆搞懂設計!不論是設計者加強功力,還是新手快速入門,你絕對不能錯過!   隨著網路發達與設計工具的普及,設計與編排從以往的專業漸漸轉為大眾化。生活中無時無刻不與設計相關,不管是使用文書處理軟體常用到的編排概念,或是在部落格或網頁上展現個人風格,還是用電腦軟體為自己拍攝的照片編修...

作者:Plowman, Ginger

Do you find yourself threatening, repeating your instructions, or raising your voice in an attempt to get your children to obey? Are you discouraged because it seems you just can't reach the heart ...

作者:Myers, Cindy

In Alpacas Don't Do That, Cindy Myers describes how her relationship with alpacas and other animals in her life, provided a new career path and lifestyle. She went from suburban life with steady ca...

作者:Pearce, Paul Allen

SPECIAL INSIDEEnglish Mastiff dog training system. Find out what you need to know -FIRST- before you just start "training" then dig-in, get rapid long lasting obedient results starting today Englis...

作者:Abney, Virgil L.,Abney, Avien,Abney, Avien &. Virgil

作者:Pearce, Paul Allen

English Springer Spaniel training system Fastest Way to No More English Springer Spaniel Poop For both new and seasoned English Springer Spaniel owners, whether a puppy, or adult English Springer ...

作者:Brown, Brene, Ph.D./ Fortgang, Lauren (NRT)

We spend too much precious time and energy managing perception and creating carefully edited versions of ourselves to show to the world. As hard as we try, we can't seem to turn off the tapes that ...

作者:Kida, Thomas E.

Do you believe that you can consistently beat the stock market if you put in the effort? -that some people have extrasensory perception? -that crime and drug abuse in America are on the rise? Many ...

作者:Medina, Tony/ Cox, Chandra (ILT)

In this delightfully original Christmas story, our young narrator is thrilled. His favorite holiday is coming, and he looks forward to the presents, a great big tree, and baking a chocolate cake wi...

作者:Cash, Dixie

New York City is miles from Salt Lick, Texas, in more ways than one, but Debbie Sue Overstreet and Edwina Perkins-Martin are rarin' to go. The best friends/beauty shop owners/private-eye partners h...

作者:Welch, Kristen

A calm moment is a rare find in a mom's chaotic day. But she needs it. She needs the moment to refocus and refresh her soul. She needs the inspiration to find God in the mess and the mundane that o...


底特律為何一墜千里、紐約為何浴火重生? 從經濟學角度剖析都市, 挑戰你對郊區生活完美的迷思, 揭開為何都市才是歷史上引領創新、繁榮、技術與民主之地   ★《經濟學人》非文學類年度好書、《金融時報》商業類年度好書   ‧    什麼時候高薪成了一件壞事?   ‧    為什麼不能為了經濟發展犧牲古蹟與綠地?   ‧    搬去郊區享受綠意,才是最破壞環境的做法?   本書破解你對於都市又...

作者:黛比.米曼 Debbie Millman

平面設計大師在想什麼…… 一本集結尖銳、直接、幽默,步步攻防的深度訪談 王志弘、陳宏一、詹宏志、孫大偉  好評推薦 美國亞馬遜書店5顆星評價 在設計領域工作二十多年的黛比.米曼,熟悉每位設計師的生涯發展,在和大師Neville Brody、Stefan Sagmeister、Peter Saville等人訪談之中,她敏銳而友善、同時又帶有挑戰性地展開對話,她步步為營想要一揭究竟,而每位設計...

